July 11, 2020

July 11, 2020 - A Note from Chef Traci

I love my vocation. It’s more than a job, expansive beyond a career. To step into the power of doing something that makes the difference in our world, however small our world is right now, and however tiny the difference, we have this abundance of gratitude. Giving is soul renewing. Four months ago, the image I had of July was very different from this reality we are living. 

To be in a place, where I love what I do, where I can embrace those I serve through and with food, where I am reminded daily of all I am and have to be grateful for. I am fueled by optimism. There were dark moments in the last four months. Moments where the future was murky and uncertain. Moments where physical fatigue because of 12-16 hour days on my feet was only acknowledged before being pushed past in order to keep going. There were moments where I doubted the impact we were making. Moments where I didn’t think I would have the necessary funds to continue to be of service to those in need. 

These moments defined who I have become, and who I will continue to become. If you’re visiting our website, it’s because you’ve supported us in the past, or are currently supporting us. Or you’re visiting our page to find out more about us. The Atrium Kitchen is a business driven by social impact.  I’m going to share with you some of the notes we’ve received from homebound seniors.

“I want to thank you for the wonderful meals you deliver. I have enjoyed meeting you and look forward to our weekly visits.” From a senior who remains hesitant to leave her home for fear of getting sick.

“The delivery of scrumptious food each week is such a gift! More importantly and impactful is being thought of and knowing someone cares so much to go to great effort to keep me and so many others safe and nourished.” From a senior who continues to self-quarantine for his safety.

“Honey, it’s really wonderful. I am so grateful.” 94 year old senior who is on a breathing machine, lives alone, has no living family and relies on the kindness of neighbors.

“Hello Chef Traci, In these troubled times, my days are always better when I enjoy your Art. The food is so Magnificently Delicious. Thank you.” A senior who lights my day when I deliver each week.

“I want to support you. I hear in the Market how much people appreciate the food - it’s not cafeteria food. Thank you for taking such good care of them.” One of our supporters.

How you can support our Nourished Neighborhood program: Make a contribution, provide an in-kind donation of food and/or packaging, purchase a Prepared Meal which is a way to pay-it-forward, send us good vibes that we remain healthy and able, or follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook.

May kindness lead the way,


Traci Calderon